Examples of Outstanding Graduates this year
![]() YU Ka ChunNursing The Chinese University of Hong Kong | ![]() HEUNG Pui MingNursing The Chinese University of Hong Kong | ![]() LAM Tsz PakProfessional Accountancy The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
![]() WONG Chak FungBBA Accountancy City University of Hong Kong | ![]() CHEUNG Ngai LamElectrical Engineering City University of Hong Kong | ![]() CHAN Man PanArchitecture and Civil Engineering City University of Hong Kong |
We would like to congratulate our other graduates who have been accepted into different universities or departments this academic year.
AI x HK OpenCup 2023 SMCC Achievers (2nd Runner-up)

5M 陳啟賢(左)、2A 鄭立晞(中)及3M 楊靖瑤同學榮獲AI x HK OpenCup 2023 SMCC 第三名獎項。
譚潤銘同學榮 獲2023-2024 中國中學生作文大賽「旭日文學之星」


5A姚浩然 及 3R陳家樂獲中學組優異獎




Examples of Outstanding Graduates
![]() YU Ka YiThe University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology | ![]() LUI Yat LongScience The Chinese University of Hong Kong | ![]() LIN CristianoGeography and Resource Management The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
![]() WANG Zi FengInformation Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong | ![]() ZHU HanyiScience The Hong Kong university of Science and Technology | ![]() YANG PeilingAccounting and Finance The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
![]() CHEUNG Kin HangArchitecture and Civil Engineering City University of Hong Kong | ![]() CHU Cheuk LongMaterials Science and Engineering City University of Hong Kong | ![]() LAI Tsz YanManagement and Marketing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
We would like to congratulate our other graduates who have been accepted into different universities or departments this academic year.
Examples of Outstanding Graduates

XUE Qiuyi
Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

TSANG Ka Ching
Professional Accountancy
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

BEng (Hons) Scheme in Product and Industrial Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

CHU San Wing
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

LAI Man Chiu
Bachelor of Business Administration
The Baptist University of Hong Kong

CHAN Man Yan
Professional Accountancy
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

XUE Guangxuan
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
The University of Hong Kong
We would like to congratulate our other graduates who have been accepted into different universities or departments this academic year.
Sharing from Alumni
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Medicine (MBChB) Programme Global Physician
Chan Hiu Ching

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chinese Language and Literature
Au Lai Kuan

Students' Achievements 2022-2023

Academic Awards
Academic Competitions
Students awarded
The 12 th University Literature Award
(Language Centre, Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Young Writers Award
6A Qiu Yuyan
‘Rising Star’ Creative Literature Award
(Chinese Department, Hong Kong Baptist University)
5M Huang Yee Kwan
Hong Kong Youth Creative Chinese Story
Writing Competition
(Hong Kong Youth Academic Competition Convention)
Senior Secondary
5M Kwan Yu Ching
5M Kwok Chi Ning
4M Mak Kam Po
‘Love Between Two Generations’ Essay Competition
(Mei Ho House Hong Kong Spirit Learning Project by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Funding Scheme)
Junior Secondary
Senior Secondary
2R Shao Wing Yan
4M Huang Yuen Sin
4A Lui Yee Wah
4A Ng Ip Lam
5M Huang Yee Kwan
5M Kong Hoi Man
5M Kwan Yu Ching
Dandelion Inter-school Literature Award 2021-2022
Senior Secondary: Prose
Junior Secondary: Prose
Junior Secondary: Novel
Third Prize
Writers’Choice Award
Writers’Choice Award
5M Mai Wing
5A Lai Hoi Man
4A Yiu Ho Yin
4Y Fung Hiu Yee
‘Lighting Hope’, the 6 th Hong Kong Chinese and
English Essay Competition 2022
(Hong Kong Youth and Children Literature and Art Association)
Secondary School
1st Runner-up
2nd Runner- Up
Gold Award
Silver Award
Bronze Award
5R Cheung Hiu Tung
5A Chui Man Hei
5M Chan Ka Yee, Carly
5M Huang Yee Kwan
5Y Cheung Ka Fai
5Y Lau Kai Mang
4Y Fung Ning Jun
5M Kwok Chi Ning
4R Cheung Kwan Yin
3A Tan Wing Hin
3A Mok Kwan Lun
3A Liao Meiqi
5M Kwan Yu Ching
5M Lo Ching Hang
5M Mai Wing
5A Lai Hoi Man
5A Chan Yat Ching
5R Li Ring Yan
4R Chan Hiu Tung
4R Huang Kam Kuen
4R Tsui Nga I
3Y Wong Hoi Hei
The 74 th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival
(The Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association)
Solo Verse Speaking: English
Cantonese Duologue
Solo Verse Speaking: Cantonese
1st Runner-up
1st Runner-up
2nd Runner-Up
5M Kong Hoi Man
4M Liu Ho Yin
4M Au Suet Lam
4M Poon Tsz Ching
2A Chow Zi Yuet, Jemima
JC Poetic Heritage Translation Awards 2023
(Department of Linguistics and Translation,
City University of Hong Kong)
Senior Secondary
Honorable Mention Award
4M Hui King Sum
4M Yip Cho Yuen
5M Yu Ka Chun
Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat 2023
(Hong Kong Region) (Olympiad Champion Education Centre)
Secondary 1
Secondary 2
Secondary 3
Silver Award
Bronze Award
Bronze Award
1R Liang Meixian
2M Yeung Ching Yiu,Yoyo
3Y Hong Chun Lam
3R Wat Ka Wai
Thailand International Mathematical Competition
(Semi Final 2022-2023)
(Hong Kong Region)
(Olympiad Champion Education Centre)
Secondary 1
Secondary 2
Secondary 3
Bronze Award
Silver Award
Bronze Award
Bronze Award
1R Leung Mei Yin
1M Ho Nam Keung
2Y Li Zemin
3Y Hung Chun Lam
3R Wat Ka Wai
3A Lee Tsz Wai
‘Huaxia Cup®’ National Mathematics Olympiad Invitational Competition Final 2023
(Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association)
Secondary 1
Secondary 2
Secondary 3
3rd Prize
1R Liang Meixian
2M Yeung Ching Yiu,Yoyo
2Y Deng Ka Yan
3Y Hong Chun Lam
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Mathematics Competition 2023
(Hong Kong Region) (Olympiad Champion Education Centre)
Secondary 1
Secondary 2
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
1R Liang Meixian
2Y Li Zeming
2023 Hong Kong-Macau Mathematics Olympiad Open Competition
(Asia International Mathematics Olympiad Union)
Secondary 1
Secondary 2
1R Liang Meixian
2R Fong Ho Lam
Academic Scholarships
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund
Students Award
6M Lau Sum Yi
6M Tse Yu Shuen
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and
Hong Kong Association for Business Education Joint Scholarships
5M Wong Chak Fung
22-23 Sham Shui Po Student Leap Forward Performance Award Scheme (Yuk Ching Charity Trust)
1A Muk Wang Wing
2M Yeung Ching Yiu, Yoyo
3Y To Ching Ting
4M Au Suet Lam
4A Wu Mei Kei
5Y Lau Kai Mang
Applied Learning Scholarship
(jointly organized by Law’s Charitable Foundation and Education Bureau)
6R Wan Ka Hei
Aesthetic Development (Visual Arts) Awards
Grantham Visual Arts Award
(Hong Kong Society for Education in Art)) - Secondary School
Visual Arts
(a HK$8,000
4A Yau Hiu Ching
Exhibition of Students’ Visual Arts
Work 2022/23
(Institute of Arts Education, Curriculum Development of the
Education Bureau)) - Senior Secondary
Gold Award
Silver Award
Certificate of
Certificate of
6A Luk Hiu Ching
6M Hui Tung Yau
6M Hui Tung Yau
6A Yan Cheuk Lam
6R Zhou Junpeng
The 19 th International Children and Youth Fine Arts Painting Competition
(jointly organized by the City Government of Daihe and the Polish
Ministry of Recreaton, Culture and Education) - Juvenile
Daihe City
Artwork Gold
4A Yau Hiu Ching
Occupational Safety and Health WhatsApp Stickers Design
(jointly organized by Occupational Safety and Health Council, Metro News Channel and Business-school Cooperation Program of EducationBureau)
Secondary School
4M Huang Yuen Sin
National Art Grading Examination
(jointly organised by the Grading Agency of the Ministry of Culture of the PRC and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority) - Comics
Grade 10
4A Yau Hiu Ching
‘Museum Makeover’: Painting A New Look
(School Campus Art Ambassador Scheme of the Hong Kong
Arts Development Council) - Secondary School
Campus Art
4A Yau Hiu Ching
Respecting Teachers WhatsApp Stickers Design Competition
(Committee on Respect Our Teachers Campaign)
Secondary School
6M Hui Tung Yau
The 8 th Hong Kong Secondary School Students Outstanding Artwork Exhibition 2023
(organised by Students Development Services, City University of Hong Kong) - Secondary School
6M Hui Tung Yau
Superior Cultural Annual Photography Competition 2022(Superior Culture) - Open Competition
Silver Award
Bronze Award
6M Hui Tung Yau
6M Hui Tung Yau
International and Local Students Postal
Arts Exhibition
(Hong Kong Society for Education in Art)
Senior Secondary
Third Prize(Hong KongRegion)
6Y Yip Ho Fung
Respect Copyright Creative WhatsApp
Stickers Design Competition
(Hong Kong Books and Periodicals
Copyright Licensing Association)
Junior Secondary
Gold Award
2R Lai Po Ting
‘Say No to Discrimination’ Masks Designing Competition
(The Society for Aids Care Ltd.) - Junior Secondary
2Y Wong Hoi Hei
Music Awards
Hong Kong Inter-school Choral Festival Cum Master Class 2023(The Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus) - School Choir
Bronze Award
MHY School Choir
The 75 th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival
(The Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association)
Cantonese Opera Flat Throat Solo (Junior Secondary)
Grade 8 Piano (Group U129)
‘Zheng’Solo (Intermediate)
Grade 7 Piano (Group U125)
Grade 5 Piano (Group U116)
Grade 4 Piano (Group U114)
and BaiheGrand Prize
1st Runner-up
Bronze Award
Bronze Award
Silver Award
Silver Award
3A Mok Kwan Lun
5M Yuen Yi Ching
2M Yeung Ching Yan
4M Tsang Pak Ho
1R Wong Hei Pui
3Y Mo Wing Sze
Sports Awards
Hong Kong Students’Sports Players Award 2022-2023
(The Watson’s Group)
3M Zeng Chi Kit
Inter-school Basketball Competition
(Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Secondary Schools Regional Committee)
Boys (C Grade)
2nd Runner-up
2A Chui Siu Yam
2A Wong Ka Leung
2A Keung Cheuk Nam
2A Lu Zihao
2R Li Man Shing
1M Lau Hoi Sing
1M Chiu Ching Yu
1M He Tsz Hin
1A Chan Pang Chi
1A Chui Chi Kin
1R Chow Wai Kai
1Y Huang Pak Ho
Inter-school Athletics Competition
(Hong Kong Island and Kowloon
Secondary Schools Regional Committee)
Boys Grade A 110m Hurdles
Boys Grade A Javelin
Girls Grade B Discus
Boys Grade C 400m
Girls Grade A 400m
Girls Grade C Discus
1st Runner-up
2nd Runner-up
2nd Runner-up
2nd Runner-up
3rd Runner-up
3rd Runner-up
3M Zeng Chi Kit
5R Yan Hantao
4A Lee Wing Sze
2R Li Man Shing
5R Chung Yi Ki
2A Chu Hoi Ching
Sham Shui Po Age-dividing Athletics Competition 2022
(Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
Boys Team C 1500m
Boys Team C Shot Put
Boys Team C 4x400m
Boys Team C 4x400m
Boys Team D 100m
Boys Team D 1500m
Boys Team D 1500m
Boys Team D 4x400m
Girls TeamD Shot Put
2nd Runner-up
2nd Runner-up
1st Runner-up
2nd Runner-up
2nd Runner-up
1st Runner-up
3rd Runner-up
2nd Runner-up
4Y Li Min Yu
3A Tan Wing Hin
5M Au Chun Long
4A Huang Chung Sing
3M Zeng Chi Kit
3M Zhang Wing Hei
4Y Wong Ho Lun
4A Ng Ip lam
4M Chen Qixian
3A Tam Wing Hin
4R Wong Chun Man
2A Chui Siu Yam
3Y Lai Ka Wai
4A Yeung King Fung
4Y Yu Kam Kuen
3Y Lai Ka Wai
3Y Leung Pak Chiu
3Y Wan Chi Hong
2A Chui Siu Yam
4M Leung Hayley Hang Yu
The 26 th Friendly Schools Relay Race
(Wai Kiu College)
Girls Secondary School
Boys Secondary School
Second Runner-up
2M Suen Nga Ting
2M Yeung Ching Yan
1R Cheung Wan Yan
1R Lo Hoi Yi
5M Au Chun Long
5R Cheuk Pui Kwan
4M Chen Qixian
3M Zhang Wing Hei
The First Ching Chung Cup Futsal Invitation Tournament(The Hong Kong Taoist Association Ching Chung Secondary School)
5M Mohammad
Umair Aftab
5A Chung Chun Ning
5A Mo Tsz Yui
5R Cheuk Pui Kwan
3M Zeng Chi Kit
3M Zhong Jay
3R Leung Ho Ching
3R Leung Yat Hin
3Y Huo Sum Yuet
3Y Wan Chi Hong
2M Tse Yat Laam
Healthy School Campus
Cup Basketball Invitation
Tournament 2023
(Chan Shu Kui Memorial School) - Shield Award
1st Runner-up
5Y Au-Yeung Ka Yau
2Y Liang Chung Ki
4A Huang Chung Sing
2R Li Man Shing
3M Zhang Wing Hei
2A Wong Ka Leung
4Y Leung Chun Hei
2A Keung Cheuk Nam
4Y Yu Kam Kuen
3R Liu Hong Shing
Other Learning Experiences
Students awarded
RoboMaster 2023 Youth Competition
(organised by the Hong Kong Association
for Computer Education)
Remote Control Racing Challenge
1st Class
4M Chen Qixian
3A Tan Wing Hin
2M Yeung Ching Yiu,Yoyo
1A Cheng Lap Hei
Hong Kong Schools Drama Festival 2022/23
(jointly organised by the Hong Kong Art School and
the Education Bureau) - Secondary School, Cantonese
Performance Award
(Invited for Public
Sound and Visual
Effects Award
Cooperation Award
Performers Award
Director Award
MHY School
Drama Club
MHY School
Drama Club
MHY School
Drama Club
3A Loo Yin Yan
3R Ng Kiu
3Y Tam Wing Yin
2M Yeung Ching Yiu,Yoyo
2A Xie Ching Yuen
2A Leung Chun Ho
5A Tang Pui Yi
3Y Chan Ming Him,Brian
2022/23 Community Youth Club Sham Shui Po
Annual Prize Presentation Ceremony
‘Environment Protection’for Public Welfare’Charitable
Flower Sale for Fund Raising
Happy Planting and Harvest in School Campus
Bronze Award
2nd Runner-up
4Y Fung Ning Jun
3Y Lau Tsz Lung
3Y Wong Pak Sum Sam
4Y Fung Ning Jun
3Y Lau Tsz Lung
3Y Wong Pak Sum
Youth Impact Award 2.0 ― Innovative
Youth Social Service Award
(jointly organised by the D.H. Chen Foundation and the Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association of Hong Kong)
6M Hui Tung Yau
6M Lau Sum Yi
6A Luk Hiu Ching

Students' Achievements 2021-2022

Students awarded
Outstanding Youth Commendation Scheme (Sham Shui Po)
6M HE Peiyi
Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2021)
Form 3 Boys and Form 4 Boys Solo Verse (Eng)
Cantonese (Solo Prose Reading) Secondary 2
Cantonese (Solo Verse Speaking) Secondary 1
Cantonese (Solo Verse Speaking) Secondary 3
Cantonese (Solo Verse Speaking) Secondary 3
1st runner up
2nd runner up
1st runner up
2nd runner up
2nd runner up
3M Tsang Pak Ho
4M Mohammad Umair Aftab
2A 莫鈞麟
1A 謝政炫
3A 馮甯雋
3A 王子怡
Third Prize
5Y 葉浩豐
Silver Award
5Y 葉浩豐
6M 周強
5A 曹子瑤
4R 李詠欣
3M 潘梓晴
4A 馬靖妮
Luxun Teenagers Literature (Hong Kong)
Third Prize
4M 關宇晴
Hong Kong Fostering ICT Awards Scheme (FICTAS)
Gold Award
Silver Award
Bronze Award
6A 黃寶恩
5M 劉心怡
5M 許冬悠
波蘭「第19屆世界和平日國際兒童純藝術賽」 繪畫
3A 丘曉晴
Space Foundation International Student Art Contest
certificate of appreciation
3A 丘曉晴
IYACC The 13th International Open Visual Arts Competition
3A 丘曉晴
National Art Exam 漫畫
3A 丘曉晴
International Gifted Education & Art Association
Children's Cancer Foundation Christmas Card Design Competition
1st runner-up
(Secondary School)
3R 黃婉倩
The 11th Contemporary Youth and Children's Art Festival
New Year Painting Competition
1st runner-up
3M 黃筠然
2021/2022 Hong Kong School Drama Festival
Secondary school Cantonese group
Award for Outstanding Director
Award for Outstanding Performer
Award for Outstanding Stage Effect
Award for Outstanding Cooperation
4A 鄧佩兒
1M 楊靖瑤
4A 翟思雪
4A 鄧佩兒
Ng Teng Fong Scholarship
Ng Teng Fong Scholarship is for students with the following attributes:
Nominated candidate must be Secondary 4 or 5 students studying full time local secondary schools, and the school must be located in Tuen Mun, Kwun Tong, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon City, Yau Tsim Mong District
Good Conduct
Good academic achievement
Actively participates in the extra-curricular activities and community activities
5M LAW Yu Sze
Jockey Club"Flipped Learning" Pilot Project
A summer of self-learning award scheme
1st runner-up
3M 葉祖岏
3M 謝偉烽
3A 曹天朗
Youth Impact Award 2.0 2020-2021
(The D. H. Chen Foundation, the Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong)
Bronze Award
4M 黃綺筠
4A 馬靖妮
4A 鄧倩彤
Youth Impact Award 2.0 2020-2021
(The D. H. Chen Foundation, the Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong)
6M 葉紫桐
6A 黃寶恩
6A 何鈞皓

To encourage students to pursue for excellence in academic achievements, activities and conducts, the school sets up scholarships of various kinds hoping to encourage and inspire students to stretch their abilities.
Dr. Mok Hing Yiu Gold Award
Outstanding student Award
Religious services Award
Outstanding male athlete Award
Outstanding female athlete Award
Outstanding services Award
Outstanding leader Award
Excellent academic performance Award
Excellent performance Award for
specific subject
Excellent conduct Award
Conduct Award
Best Improvement Award
Improvement Award