Links with Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Primary Schools
Primary school students visit the school campus
Each year, our school receives exchange visits from SKH primary schools of this district. These include the following schools:
SKH St. Andrew's Primary School,
SKH Kei Fook Primary School,
SKH Kei Oi Primary School,
SKH St. Clement's Primary School,
SKH St. Thomas' Primary School,
SKH Kei Wing Primary School.
Our students also help host students and teachers from their own primary schools and share with them glimpses of their secondary school life with their alma mater siblings.
On-site seminar about promotion to our school
During November to December, the school visited the following primary schools in the district:
SKH Kei Wing Primary School,
SKH St. Clement's Primary School,
SKH Kei Oi Primary School,
SKH St. Thomas' Primary School,
CCC Kei Tsun Primary School.
We also held "All About Secondary School Life", a seminar about secondary school and we shared with parents and students glimpses of secondary school life and introduced the unique characteristics of our school.