Language Policies

Bilingual Policy
We aim at training students to be biliterate and trilingual.
(1) English as the medium of instruction for subjects
In order to provide students with more opportunities to use English, English is taught according to students' abilities in subjects such as Mathematics, Integrated Science, Computer Literacy, Music, and Technology and Life. Textbooks, assignments and assessments are all English-based. By using English as the medium of instruction, students will be able to enhance their English reading and writing skills through subject learning. Students can increase their exposure to English and improve their English proficiency.
Elective subjects in our NSS curriculum are also provided in English. Students can choose the medium of instruction for their elective subjects according to their language ability.
Language Policies

(2) Extended Learning Activities in English (ELA) at all junior high school levels
Models include.
1. Allocating some sessions of individual
subjects to revisit concepts and content
taught in English.
2. Teaching individual modules or topics in
English through the mode of language
across curricular.
3. Strengthening the bridging courses for the
relevant subjects to facilitate a smooth
transition to English learning at the senior
secondary level.
4. Providing students with relevant English
learning materials and vocabulary for each
Overall, the school aims at improving the English proficiency of students from junior to senior secondary curricula to meet their future needs for tertiary education and career advancement.
Learning and Teaching Features

Curriculum Diversity
Our school offers a balanced and broad curriculum to cater to the interests, abilities and needs of students. Our "school-based curriculum" meets the requirements of the public examinations of the four core subjects in the senior secondary curriculum. The school is also committed to developing "lifewide learning" through a variety of co-curricular activities in different learning areas, such as overseas exchange, field trips, museum visits, leadership training and orienteering, to provide students with diversified learning opportunities and enrich their learning experience.
Cross-curricular reading
Our school emphasizes the importance of reading. The nicely-designed school library provides a good reading environment for students. The library has a special collection of Chinese language and literature books to improve students' Chinese literacy and an extensive English reading collection to cultivate students' English reading habit of different genres. The school also offers reading promotion activities, such as weekly teachers' recommendations of books, reading assemblies, etc., in order to broaden students' horizons, increase their interest in reading, and improve their reading abilities under teachers' guidance. The school also has a reading journal program, through which students are encouraged to record their experiences and reflections on their reading journey.
Learning and Teaching Features

In this era of information technology, proper online learning is very important to students. Our school started to develop e-learning for some time and has been a pioneer school in Hong Kong in collaboration with the Education Bureau. With upgraded Wifi 6 network, teachers have made use of various e-learning platform Apps, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), Pear Deck, Kahoot! and Quizlet, to integrate into their daily teaching and learning, so that students can enhance their learning effectiveness. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) has been also implemented policy to promote e-learning through one-personone- computer. All of these enhance students' information literacy and equip them with IT skills for the future.
Collaborative learning
Peer learning has made learning more effectively in our school. With different teaching groups, discussions and diversified learning activities, students can learn from each other. We also encourage students to form study groups under the guidance of teachers, and to study together after school to consolidate their knowledge to enhance their learning motivation and to support one another.
Learning and Teaching Features

Theme-based learning programs
Our Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics classes are taught in small groups, with an average of 15-25 students per class, which allows teachers to provide better individual attention on the one hand, and ability-based streaming on the other, so that learning differences can be more effectively catered for.
Assessment for learning
The school put emphasis on assessment for learning. Teachers effectively use the data collected from uniform tests and exams throughout the year to tackle students’ learning difficulties by making use of good questioning techniques, activities, presentation, group projects etc. With a variety of assessments, teachers can provide timely feedback to students’ performance and discover the strengths and weaknesses of students. Thus, teaching strategies can be adjusted to strengthen the learning effectiveness.
Class Structure

There are always four classes at each level. In order to cater to the learning diversity of our students, we have small group classes of about 15-25 students in Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics to better cater to the learning needs of our students.
Small Group Teaching
"We want to make sure every student gets the right care."
Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics are taught in small groups.
The average group size is about 15-25 students, so as to achieve "teaching according to ability".
Dual Class Teacher System
To provide each class with better care and more personal character development
Junior Secondary School Curriculum (S1 - S3)
Chinese Language Education
Chinese language
English Language
Science Education
Integrated Science
Computer Literacy
Technology and Life
Citizenship, Economics and Society
Chinese History
Religious Education
Visual art
Physical Education
Senior Secondary School Curriculum (S4 - S6)
Core subjects
Chinese language
English Language
Citizenship and Social Development
Chinese Literature
Chinese History
Information and Communication Technology
Mathematics Extended part - Module 1
(Calculus and Statistics)
Business, Accounting and Financial Studies
Visual Arts
Applied Learning Courses (F4 - F5)
Theme-based Learning Programs
Life Planning
Religious Education and Ethics
Physical Education
Other Learning Experiences
Moral and Civic Education
Intelligence Development
Sports and Arts Development
Social Service
Experience related to business and management work
Extracurricular activities: One person, one activity (communication, music, sports, visual arts, uniform team, etc.)
All-round learning activities: such as interdisciplinary learning, project study, study tour, overseas exchange, etc.
Inter-school competition experience: e.g., recitation (Chinese, English, Chinese), music, physical education, writing, drama, STEM, etc.