Areas of Learning

Chinese Language Eduation
Virtual Reality Writing Class
Our Chinese Language Department uses e-learning and incorporates virtual reality (VR) in the classroom to create a platform for students to observe and take virtual literary walks with students, inspiring them to think about a time and a place, allowing them to learn to appreciate life, enhance their sense of the city, discover the unique aspects of the community, and demonstrate humanistic care.
Jockey Club "Moved Inspired by the Environment" Virtual Reality Language Teaching Project
Chinese Language
Organization / Department
Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies (CLST) The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Literature Research Centre, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Support 11 schools to implement VR language teaching programs
Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School
Sha Tin Methodist College
HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College
HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No.3 Secondary School
Christian Alliance S W Chan Memorial College
Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School
Methodist College
S.W.C.S Chan Pak Sha School
SKH Bishop Baker Secondary School
St Paul's Co-educational College
Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College

Literary Arts Exchange Tour - Literary Taipei, Literary Tokyo
Our subject organizes diversified exchange activities outside of Hong Kong, allowing students to broaden their horizons by looking at the world.
The Literary Tokyo and Literary Taipei Literary Walk study tours are designed to allow students to read urban writing, explore the footsteps of writers, and visit the landscapes written by writers, allowing them to enter the world of literature.

Dandelion Joint School Literary Award
In order to encourage students who are interested in writing to learn from each other and enrich their literary experiences, the school is co-organizing literary award seminars and competitions with the following schools:
S.K.H. St. Mary's Church Mok Hing Yiu College
Sha Tin Methodist College
Diocesan Girls' School
Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School
Methodist College
STFA Lee Shau Kee College
St. Stephen's College
St Paul's Co-educational College
Good Hope School
The Dandelion Literary Award provides an opportunity for students who wish to study or further their writing to exchange ideas.
We hope that the students will be able to absorb and nourish from the award and create more quality works.

Collaboration on literary activities
We cooperate with many literary organizations and publications to encourage students to participate in different types of literary activities, thus exploring their writing talents.